Nos Découvertes
Lucie Khahoutian
group show, La Fab, Paris, France
Sepember 15 - October 23, 2023
Curation Stéphane Lapierre & May Chaumentin
Kilim Me Softly
Lucie Khahoutian
Unrepresented, Le Molière, Paris, France
31 March — 2 April 2023
Galerie du Jour
Curation Emilia Guenardi
Lucie Khahoutian
group show as part of Les À Coté.e.s, centre d’art Immanence, Paris, France
May 13 - June 6, 2023
Curation Corinne Digard & Aurélien Mole
Mystérieux Sentiments
Lucie Khahoutian
group show, Maison de la photographie des Landes, France
March 17 - April 15, 2023
Lydie Palaric
Where Rude Boys Never Think To Look,
Camille Lévêque
Collective video work as part of the SPBH x MEP Residency
November 7 - 11, 2022
Accident(s) Art Fair, Cité des Arts, Paris, France
Tsavt Tanem
Camille Lévêque
solo show, Centre Régional de la Photographie des Hauts de France, Douchy-les-Mines, France
January 10 - April 24, 2022
Curation Audrey Hoareau
La Route de La Soie Passe Aussi Par l’Arménie
Lucie Khahoutian
solo show as part of L’ouverture, Le 19M, Aubervilliers, France
January 18 - May 7, 2022
Curation Meryl Laurent
Familiar Gestures
Camille Lévêque
solo Show as part of La Quinzaine Photographique Nantaise, L’Atelier, Nantes, France
October 21 - Novembre 20, 2022
Curation Hervé Marchand
Summit Meeting
Lucie Khahoutian & Camille Lévêque
duo show, Maison de l’Internationale, Grenoble, France
November 8 - 30, 2021
Mois de l’Arménie
Reality Check
Lucie Khahoutian
solo Show as part of 71th Jeune Création Festival, Fondation Fiminco, Romainville, France
12 - 26 june 2021
Summit Meeting
Lucie Khahoutian & Camille Lévêque
duo show as part of La Biennale de l’Image Tangible,
Floréal Belleville, Paris, France
16 - 30 novembre 2020
Summit Meeting
Lucie Khahoutian & Camille Lévêque
duo show as part of The Makeable Mind / Noordelicht festival, Pictura gallery, Groening, The Netherlands
August 7 - October 3, 2021
Curation Paulien Dresscher
Zapping The Archive
Lucie Khahoutian
Phroom Screening at Odessa Photo Days, Odessa, Ukraine
April 23 - 26, 2021
Curation Giangiacomo Cirla
Wild Ones
Lucie Khahoutian
group Show, K-Gold Gallery, Lesvos, Greece
December 2020 - March 2021
Curation Suzanna Petot & Nicolas Vamvouklis
Summit Meeting
Lucie Khahoutian & Camille Lévêque
at Young Art Biennale, Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, Russia
November 2020
Curation Giulia Morale & Sterre Barentsen
Summit Meeting
Lucie Khahoutian & Camille Lévêque
duo show at Patara Gallery, Tbilisi, Georgia
December 2019 - February 2020
Curation Elene Kapanadze
Beyond Language / Dilin Ötesinde
Lucie Khahoutian
group show at Kiraathane, Istanbul, Turkey
October 4 - October 26, 2019
collateral event of Istanbul art biennale
Curation Benedetta Casagrande & Lara Ozdogan
Woven Matters
Lucie Khahoutian
group show at Unseen Fair, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
September 20 - September 22, 2019
Curation Amelie Rose
Summit Meeting
Lucie Khahoutian & Camille Lévêque
duo show at La Chapelle des pénitents blancs, Vence, France
September 24 - October 25, 2019
Curation Camille Lévêque
Menq Enq Mer Sarere
Camille Lévêque
group show Das Vierte Haus, Neue Kunsthaus, Ahrenstoop, Germany
June 8 - September 10, 2019
Curation Asima Bima
Summit Meeting
solo show at the Center for Armenian Heritage, Valence, France
June 5 - August 25, 2019
Curation Camille Lévêque
The Invention of Memory
Lucie Khahoutian
group show at Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin, Ireland
May 5 - 30, 2019
PhotoIreland Festival
Curation Julia Gelezova
The Tapestry In My Room
Lucie Khahoutian
group show, Mattatoio, Roma, Italy
December 14, 2018 - January 16, 2019
Emerging Talents
Curation Arianna Catania
Will All This Darkness Round Me I Feel Less Alone
Lucie Khahoutian
solo show, Si Fest, Savignano, Italy
September 14 - 30, 2018
Curation Christian Gattinoni
The Tapestry In My Room
Lucie Khahoutian
solo show, Getxo Photo, Spain
September 4 - 20, 2018
Curation Monica Allende
The Age Of Love
Camille Lévêque
group show, Photo Museum, Dong Gang, South Korea
June 14 - September 21 , 2018
Curation HeeJung Kim
Camille Lévêque, Lucie Khahoutian, Lila Khosrovian, Marguerite Horay, Charlotte Fos
group show, Gallery Blanc, Montreal, Canada
June 1 2018 - April 10 2019
Curation Nicolas Denicourt
Familiar Gestures
solo show, Mucho Mas gallery, Torino, Italy
May 3 - June 6, 2018
Curation Silvia Mangosio & Luca Vianello
Live Wild
solo show, Co-Op at Unseen Fair, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
September 22 - 24, 2017
Curation Lars Willumeit
Labs New Artists
Lucie Khahoutian
group show, Red Hook Labs, New-York, USA
June 20 - 30, 2017
Curation Jimmy Moffat
In Search Of The Father
Camille Lévêque
solo show at Villa Brandolini, Pieve di Soligo, Italy
July 14 - August 27, 2017
F4 Un'Idea Di Fotografia
Curation Carlo Sala
Still Searching
Camille Lévêque
group show at Benaki Museum, Athens, Greece
June 14 - July 30, 2017
Athens Photo Festival
Emerging Talents
Lucie Khahoutian
group show at Villa Noailles, Hyères, France
Avril 26 - May 30, 2017
Hyères Fashion and Photography festival
Curation Raphäelle Stopin
Don't bite your lips you have blood on them already
Lucie Khahoutian
group show, Krakow, Poland
May 19 - June 18, 2017
Krakow Photo Month
Curation Krzysztof Pijarski, Szymon Rogiński, Katarzyna Sagatowska, Salvatore Vitale
Live Wild
solo show at Glavni 2, Novo Mesto, Slovenia
August 1 - 10, 2016
Fotopub festival
Curation Ilaria Speri